How to Register
Interested in joining the St. Thomas Online community? The admissions process is unique to each individual School and College within St. Thomas.
Visit the specific School or College site below to find admission requirements and deadlines or attend an information session. You can also request more information about our programs and submit your application today.
Relating Graduate Courses to a School or College
If you're interested in a specific online graduate course, but unsure of which School or College provides that course, you can use the list below to map the course subject to the School/College.
College of Arts and Sciences
- ARHS: Art History
- CSMA: Catholic Studies
- GENG: English
- GMUS: Music Education
- GSPA: Spanish
- MATH: Mathematics
- MUSW: Music Workshops
Opus College of Business
- ACCT: Accounting
- BETH: Business Ethics
- BLAW: Business Law
- BUAN: Business Analytics
- BUID: Busn Interdiscipline
- ENTR: Entrepreneurship
- FINC: Finance
- GBEC: Economics
- MGMT: Management
- MKTG: Marketing
- OPMT: Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt
School of Engineering
- EGED: Engineering Educ
- ETLS: Engr Tech Leadrshp
Graduate Programs in Software
- EGED: Engineering Educ
- SEIS: Software Eng
School of Education
- CIED: Curric & Instr
- EDLD: Ed. Leadership
- READ: Reading
- SPED: Special Educ.
- TEGR: Teacher Ed.
School of Law
- LAWS: Law
Morrison Family College of Health, School of Nursing
- NRSG: Nursing
Morrison Family College of Health, Graduate School of Professional Psychology
- CPSY: Counseling Psych.
Morrison Family College of Health, School of Social Work
- DRSW: Doctor Social Work
- GRSW: Social Work
School of Divinity
- DVDT: Dogmatic Theology
- DVHS: Historical Studies
- DVMT: Moral Theology
- DVPH: Philosophy
- DVPT: Pastoral Theology
- DVSP: Spirituality
- DVSS: Sacred Scripture
- DVST: Sacred Theology